Monday, April 4, 2011


Psalm 90:10, “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away”

“What will be will be” is the philosophy of the indolent.
Bishop Osa-Oni.

Time is an asset of universal equality. Everyone on earth has equal time of 24hours a day. Time is an equal commodity available to both the rich and poor, great and small, white and black.
Time is money and time wasters are not different from money wasters. No wonder people say, “Time is running out or time is not on my side”. It is instructive to note that time has never been and will never be our friend. So don’t keep till tomorrow what you can do today because procrastination is a thief of time. Don’t sleep all day thinking that time is waiting for you. “Tick, tock says the clock, what you want to do, do quickly”.
Take for instance that Peter, James and John are to live for seventy years, eighty years and One hundred and twenty years respectively. If each of them sleeps for eight hours a day, they would have a total sleeping life span of 23yrs, 4 months; 26yrs, 8 months and 40yrs respectively. You will agree with me that this is something to frown at.


a.     You can squander time
b.     You can spend time
c.      You can invest time

One of the best ways to manage your time is by setting goals; putting plans in place concerning the things you must do to accomplish your dreams within a certain time frame. Your plans could be either: long term, short term or even on a monthly, weekly or daily basis. You cannot afford to live like somebody that is not going anywhere today otherwise; you will end up a liability not only to yourself but to your family and the community at large.

One day, Richard Branson’s mother banned him from watching television, saying “Instead of sitting glued to the television watching other people doing their thing, why don’t you do what will make them to watch you? Today, Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin group and companies such as Virgin Atlantic, Virgin America, Virgin Mobile and Virgin Active. If he had ignored the instruction of his mother not to watch television, will he be the industrial legend that he is today? Certainly NO! So please take a cue from him.
There are a lot of modern technological devices today that consume so much of our valuable time that we need to invest in other things that can yield profit to us. There is nothing wrong with giving attention to modern technologies but the issue is, let apply wisdom especially in watching television; cartoons, home video, video games, etc. Eccl. 3:1.

People who make the most of their lives are those that trained themselves in time management. Time management is the gate way to fulfillment in life. DON’T FORGET THAT TIME IS THE GREATEST CURRENCY OF LIFE. It is like a rushing river that does not wait for anybody.

WHAT  IS TIME MANAGEMENT: Time management simply means being in total control of your time and the task ahead of you. A judicious use of this limited resource call time can only be accomplished through a conscious and consistent time management.
There was a story told of a young man by name Anthony Robins. While Robins was in high school, his mother banned him from watching television just like the case of Richard Branson. It was on record that Anthony Robins read 700 books on philosophy, Psychology and other books apart from books that have to do with his discipline.
You are in the most valuable season of your life. Don’t waste your destiny. Don’t allow any insignificant thing to consume your precious and valuable time you ought to invest doing something that will add value to your life.

·        Time cannot be stored
·        Time has no colour
·        Time is infinite
·        It is impossible to increase time but you can increase what you do per time.

In conclusion let me say that the difference between the poor and the rich is not their family background but the valuable time they did not value. So redeem the time because the days are evil. (Eph. 5:16)
God bless.

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