Saturday, December 12, 2009


Law of Genesis:

Having to live a prosperous life is everybody’s dream. However there are some things that are essential to accumulate much prosperity. Most of us have not grasp the power of focus words, directing certain words continuously can create specific needs. It is focus, because you use words as a vantage for or against wanted or unwanted desires in your life. If what you are experiencing is not what you expect, then begin to speak your expectation not your situation.

“For surely you have a future ahead of you; your hope will not be disappointed.” Proverb 23:18

If you can say your desires long enough, you will surely experience them. If you have to fulfill destiny, you must not shut your mouth. Say and have all you want.

“People can get many good things by the words they say…” Proverb 12:14

The word of your mouth is what determines your ultimate worth in life.

Why do you need to speak?

You create your world by it:

In Genesis, God created the entire universal by spoken words. You can create the world you want by your spoken word. If you are having a lot of set back now, check your spoken word recently.

“…what he says will happen, it will be done for him” Mark 11:23

“Good people enjoy the positive results of their words…” Proverb 13:2

You can create your world as God did in Genesis. Say your desires until they manifest.

Build your tomorrow by what you say:

Everything you said yesterday has an effect on your today. It is the worth of your present status. Mind what you say, if you don’t want to have an adverse effect in any spectrum of your life. It is quite impossible to speak like a pauper and become wealthy in life. Nor can you behave like a failure and become successful. The Law in Genesis connotes that what you don’t say you can’t have even if you want them.

Sow the right words:

One of the reasons why God gave us his words [among other things] is for us to recreate or restructure all unwanted situations in our lives to positive ones. Using God’s word against undesirable situations of life as well as getting desirable needs in our lives is as potent as using two edge sword.

“For the word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are.” Hebrew4:12

The word of the Lord is a seed, and no matter how beautiful a seed is, if it is not sown it would never bring forth. Anytime you confess God’s words, you are sowing them, in due time it would manifest. If you keep confessing his word, aligning God’s word to a particular or specific desire, you would get that desire fulfilled.

Avoid wrong act or behavior:

For you to be prosperous you need to ‘act your talk’. This means that you need to behave accordingly as your belief. Professing a particular desire demands that you act as if that desires has happened and you will get that need fulfilled. Stop professing the wrong things into your life. Don’t confess hardship, failure or disappointment. Keep your demeanor aligned with your confession.

Don’t quit until you win:

For you to live in prosperity, start confessing your desires. Don’t quit until you see those desires fulfilled.

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