“And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be” Rev. 22:12.
We must realize that we are in a kingdom that operates by principles. Our God is the God of principles. Until you submit to principles you cannot become a principal. It is only those that have submitted themselves to labour in the vineyard of God that are qualified to be rewarded by God.
Rewards for soul winning are not restricted to a particular person but it is an all-embracing package. Though the Bible says “ In all labour there is profit….” (Prov.14:23) but you must realize that it cannot work or labour in John Holt company and go to Chivita company at the end of the month to collect salary. In other words, it is only those that laboured in soul winning that are entitled to the rewards that God has for soul winners.
What are the rewards for soul winning?
1. Manifestation of God’s power. (Mk 16:20): It was as they went forth preaching that God began to manifest His power through them by signs and wonders. The cheapest way to be a sign carrier is to be a genuine witness for Jesus. In Acts 13:6-12, God revealed His power through Apostle Paul and Elymas the sorcerer; he became blind for a season. Do you want to heal the sick? Then go and witness Christ to the sick and see what will happen.
2. Cheap access to covenant blessing (Exodus 22:25): What others in Church fast and pray for will cheaply come to soul winner. The covenant of service has no respect for “TITLE”. It is your input that determines your blessing.
3. Enhances your state of holiness. When you preach to others the necessity of receiving Christ as their Lord and saviour, you cannot afford to live a sinful live. You are the light of the world to those around you, so you should be conscious to live an exemplary life. 1 cor9:27 “But I keep under my body and bring it into subjection;lest by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be cast away”
4. A crown of righteousness (2 Tim4:8): Another reward that is laid up for those that win souls is the crown of righteousness. Apostle Paul said, “Hence forth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness…” Many will get to heaven only to discover that they are not qualified to wear the crown of righteousness, not because they did not pay their tithe but because there was no single soul won to God through them.
5. Increase in wisdom (Prov 11:30): “…and he that winneth a soul is wises.” In other words, he that does not win a soul is a fool. So the more souls you win, the more you increase in your level of wisdom. How? The more you release yourself to be used by the Holy Spirit to reach out to souls, the more the Holy Spirit will release his anointing upon you and increase you.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
“The Blessing of the Lord, it Maketh Rich,
And He Addedeth No Sorrow with it.”
Many get too busy trying to impress men instead of committing themselves to God. The Bible says, “The blessing of the Lord maketh rich and added no sorrow with it…” It is the blessing that manifest in riches. The people of the world believe so much on human effort to become successful in life and that is probably the reason why they despise God. This ugly trend has also crept into the Church of Christ. Human effort is good but God’s blessing is better and it makes life easier and more comfortable.
A blessing is a supernatural provision that empowers you to prosper beyond human measure.
Sorrow is not part of the covenant of blessing that we have with God. The reason why many are experiencing sorrow today is because they pretend to be committed to God while in actual fact.(1Jh 2: 15). They are committed and pursuing after the things of this of this world.
Christ has paid the price for your future on the cross but you cannot realize it until you are genuinely connected and committed to him. You must be prepared to invest in spiritual things in order to enjoy this blessing. What kind of life are you living? How do people see you in your place of work or your neighbourhood? Are you living for Christ or you are living for yourself like the people of the world? What is your testimony in your place of business or community? Can people be converted to Christ through your testimony or they will refuse to serve God because of your life style?
The blessing we are talking about can only make you rich when your way of life conform with the example Jesus Christ left behind for us. (1Pet. 2:21). Having money alone is not all there is to riches. When you have money and no health, you will use all your money to serve sickness. The blessing we are talking about is all encompassing. It has to do with the total package of salvation. If you have it, you will sleep well.
The only way to partake in the blessing of God that adds no sorrow is to be established in Christ. The moment you become born-again, you are covenantly entitled to enjoy this blessing that is sorrow-free. And as long as you remain established in faith, your destiny is guaranteed. Nothing negative will temper with your blessing in Jesus name. But you must remember that if you want to keep the author of sorrow out of your blessing, then you must remain faithful to Him (God).
Lets look at some people in the Bible whom God empowered to prosper supernaturally.
ABRAHAM: He was blessed beyond measure materially and financially. God favoured him (Gen.13). This is a man that came from a home where idol worshipping was the order of the day. But God distinguished him because he was faithful and committed to God. Before this month comes to a close, God will favour you and distinguish you. You will be distinguished! Say amen! It is time for you to be distinguished among your peers.
ISAAC: It was faithfulness on the part of Isaac that made him great in a strange land and in a time of famine. (Gen.26:12-14). Who told you that God cannot bless you irrespective of Economic meltdown? God will turn things around for you dramatically this week in Jesus name! God bless you.
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